
We finished off our Spring Break vacation with a stop by Matsushima. Matsushima Bay is filled with over 200 small islands, and is a popular scenic tourist spot in northern Japan. It is possible to take a boat tour among the islands, but we didn't have time to do this. Instead, we walked out to Ojima Island, which is accessible from the mainland by a small red bridge.

Ojima Island is covered in small caves and Buddhist statues. I have had difficulty finding information on the island itself, aside from a few mentions of the island being used by monks. I can say that these statues and carvings are obviously old. The nearby Zuigan-ji and Godaido Hall were first founded in the early 800s.

A scorched area on the wall inside the big cave

We also enjoyed beautiful views of the other islands. Pictures do not do the view justice.

 It was a little bit drizzly during our walk. We are so glad that the rain didn't completely ruin our plans

We loved our very brief stop at Matsushima.  We were also very relieved to finally make it home. We had a great but exhausting vacation.
This view means home. Love it.


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