Skiing at Okunakayama

We made three trips to Okunakayama this season. Our first trip was a very cold, snowy, windy day. The visibility was very low - we couldn't even see the lodge from the top of the bunny hill. The snow was falling so hard that there were hardly any ruts in the snow from other skiers. Every time we went down the bunny hill, it was like skiing on fresh powder.

The mountain is behind them, but you can't see it. On the left of the picture you can just make out the lights of the ski lift

The snow didn't slow Caleb down. He skied like a champ. Look at all the snow stuck to his mask.

Coming off the lift. Weeeeee!

Our second trip was also cold and windy, but nowhere near as bad as our first trip. Still, our older kids weren't all that eager to be out in the cold. We enjoyed warming up with yummy food in the lodge.

Still snowy, but with much better visibility.

Udon with curry is my new favorite ski food. So delicious. 

Reading a book and eating curry. Love her.


Our third trip to Oku was fantastic. We had beautiful sunny weather. We went with friends who were learning how ski for the first time.

Caleb didn't feel like skiing as much this time. He just wanted to lay in the the snow and eat it.

Eating snow

We did get him on the slopes though. Once he started he was happy to keep skiing. He even worked on his pizza making skills - usually when Seth didn't want him to stop.

Seth also got the chance to ski on his own at the top of the mountain

Okunakayama is always a favorite place of ours. We had a great time there this season.


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