Aomori Spring Ski Resort

We skied at Aomori Spring twice this year. Both our trips were overnight. Our first trip we stayed in cabins with friends. We had a lot of nice clear weather, and great views of the Sea of Japan.

We loved this view.

Our family on the gondola (minus Caleb)

Skiing with friends is always the best

Skiing on the Family Run

The second day Caleb was pretty worn out and didn't ski as much. He wanted to sled and build a snowman though.

We made another trip to Aomori Spring in February. This time we stayed in the resort hotel - the Rockwood Hotel. We really enjoyed the experience. It was great for Seth to be able to take the older kids out right after breakfast, instead of having to wait on Caleb and me. It was also nice to be able to go back to our room to rest when Caleb got tired. Our weather wasn't as nice for this ski trip, but it meant we got to ski on lots (and LOTS) of fresh powder.

The view from our hotel room.

We really love the lifts at Aomori Spring. They seat 4 people and they are enclosed. It sure was nice that day since it was snowing so hard we couldn't see outside of our lift at all. The plastic window with completely covered in snow - better than all that snow falling on us.

I could just see out the side of the lift window a little bit. This picture does not do justice to the amount of snow that was on those trees. It was really pretty.

We all enjoyed visiting the hotel onsen after a long day of being in the snow.


  1. You have fabulous pictures from this trip! Seriously! The snow there is amazing and beautiful. And it looks like you thoroughly enjoyed the hotel. Lucky!


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