Snow in Misawa

We didn't get our first real snow storm until after Christmas. This is not the norm in Misawa (the snowiest base in the Air Force). I guess it is a good thing we didn't follow through on our plan for an overnight ski trip Christmas week. Most of the ski resorts had to delay their openings. We definitely enjoyed the nice weather, and we have been making the most of the snow since it began to fall.

Seth seems to think the snow means it is the appropriate time to grill. As long as he closes the door after himself, I don't mind.

This picture fails to adequately capture the sideways falling snow. Brrrr.

This is a better representation of what happens when the snow blows sideways. Thanks for nothing carport. 

We get some serious icicles. These are the small ones.

He thinks he is pretty giant.

As you can see in these last pictures, we had a little reprieve from the snow. Don't worry, it came back with a vengeance. It has been a mild winter though, and I would be happy to keep it that way. Let it snow in the mountains for the skiers, but leave me alone. Probably not going to happen. I hear February is the big snow month.

We did make it out for a few ski days. That is another post for another day.


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